Banner with a graphic of a Spun Yarn report and the text, Manuscript Feedback Report: Under the Hood.

Curious to know what type of feedback you will get from the Spun Yarn? We've broken down the key aspects of a Spun Yarn Manuscript Report below.

A Spun Yarn Manuscript Report takes 30 days or less to compile. Each manuscript is matched with three readers based upon the type of feedback that an author is seeking. Our Spun Yarn readers work independently and don't know the scores or feedback delivered by the other readers assigned to a particular manuscript. Here's an example of what the introductory pages to the report look like.

We continue to take feedback to enhance our reports to meet your needs, so please note that some graphics, texts, and features may vary slightly.

At the quarter, halfway, three-quarters, and ending point in the book, Spun Yarn Readers provide input on the reading experience. Flash Feedback provides excellent insight into what readers are thinking in real time as they read a manuscript.

In this second section of the feedback report, Spun Yarn readers provide feedback on what they thought were the best aspects of a book, along with their opinion on the focus areas most in need of improvement. Authors also have the opportunity to pose a few questions directly to Spun Yarn readers at the outset of the feedback process, which are answered in this section of the Manuscript Report.

In this third section of the report, readers provide a numerical score on your manuscript on a scale of 1 -10 in eight key categories. By focusing on trends, correlations, and deviations in this quantitative data, the Spun Yarn is able to provide clear insight into the strengths and improvement areas in a manuscript.

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Ready for some honest feedback
on your manuscript?